General objective: In conformity with UFSC institutional mission, as an instance attached to the Department of Psychology, NAC’s mission is to produce knowledge about behavioral processes, based on the knowledge and methods of the Behavior Analysis, as well as disseminate the produced knowledge and the state of art knowledge in the field. This production and dissemination of knowledge will be oriented to the improvement of the academic formation of psychology professionals, in order to build a fair and democratic society and defend the quality of life
Specific Objectives:
- Produce knowledge related to the work with Behavior Analysis in organizational systems;
- Produce knowledge related to the work with Behavior Analysis in clinical processes and healthcare;
- Produce knowledge related to the work with Programming Conditions to the Development of Behaviors;
- Produce knowledge related to the employment of virtual learning environments based on Programming Conditions to the Development of Behaviors;
- Disseminate knowledge about the Behavior Analysis and its contributions to the work of the psychologist, trough the fostering of educacional activities and extension programs;
- Disseminate knowledge about the Behavior Analysis and its contributions to the diferent professions that deal with behavior, trough the fostering of educacional activities and extension programs;
- Promote the constant evaluation and improvement of the courses ofered by the Psychology Department related to the knowledge in Behavior Analysis;
- Promote events, actions, projects and university extension programs oriented to the formation of professionals capable of dealing more effectively with behavior processes;
- Reintegrate UFSC on the list of brazilian universities with siginificant scientific production in Behavior Analysis;
- Organize and mantain UFSC institutional repository with materials related to Behavior Analysis produced on the university and on the State of Santa Catarina;
- Represent UFSC on scientific events related to Behavior Analysis;
- Build and strenght the partnership with research networks and with national and international researchers related to the Behavior Analysis.
- Supervise and orient academic works related to the Behavior Analysis at graduation and post-graduation level.